Creativity training


We work in places where the freedom of movement of people and groups is often limited. Finite resources and constrained liberties, conservative ideas, and a politically unstable environment often hold people in their grip. We try to slightly stretch the space for movement in these places. For example, by making the mind set more flexible and creative, in relation to innovation and the influence that someone can have. What factors can you connect with each other? What opportunities do you see? Where can you have a meaningful impact?

Creativity is about having creative capacity. In other words, the power to form new ideas from existing information. Likewise, it is of great importance for organisations that employees recognise business opportunities and think out-of-the-box, so that new ideas and perspectives arise.

To allow creative ideas to flourish, it is important to dare to experiment freely. Judgments are a major obstacle in this and we must learn to overcome them, in order to be able to give room to creativity.


  • think about new possibilities

  • connect musical and non-musical information

  • increase your (self) reflection and (emotional) awareness

  • find the way to your own creativity

  • collaborate and coordinate

Number of participants: 10-30 people

Duration: flexible half-day (3 hours) or full day (6 hours)

Location: Incompany or a location outsite the company where instruments are availible
Price: On request (depending on number of participants, length of the training and location)

The proceeds we generate from these training courses enable our work in refugee camps and disadvantaged neighborhoods

